• My Favourite Overnight Oats Recipe Recipe
    Healthy Living,  Recipe,  Series

    Let’s Talk… Oats! – My Favourite Overnight Oats Recipe

    The first time I had cold overnight oats, I was rather confused as it tasted very much like a pudding dessert. When I started experimenting with the different toppings and layering, I was so exhilarated and happy because I can finally eat desserts without feeling guilty anymore! 😀 Overnight oats is basically a no-cook method of making oatmeal. It involves soaking of the oats in milk or yogurt to be left to rest in the fridge. You can keep them in an airtight container, a jar, or even a bowl. The texture becomes much more creamier and denser than cooked oatmeal. It is also much tastier in my opinion! 4…

  • BEST Oat Milk: Drank and Ranked
    Healthy Living,  Reviews,  Series

    BEST Oat Milk: Drank and Ranked

    I drank 7 cartons of Oat milk drinks in the last 2 weeks and ranked them from least favourite to the most – YOU ARE WELCOME. If you are not already aware of it, dairy-free plant alternatives to cow’s milk are now super mainstream and have been taking over our coffee shops. They are available for purchase in any supermarket in the UK, i.e. Sainsbury, Waitrose, Tesco etc. You may need them as your diet has changed and you feel uneasy with lactose. Or maybe you just like them because they are indeed very delicious – like me! 🙂 Therefore, to provide my dedication to Casa du Duchess and this…

  • Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits
    Healthy Living,  Series

    Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits

    Welcome to a new series! As the title clearly states, let’s talk…… Oats! What are oats? Today, hundreds of types of cereal crops grown around the world occupy the top of the health food chart. Wholegrains are the seeds of these cereal plants and consist of the endosperm, germ and bran. Refined grains have the germ and bran removed so 75% of the nutrients are lost, i.e. plain white rice. Avena sativa, a.k.a oats, are a type of cereal grass cultivated for their edible cereal grains. This oat plant produces oat seeds, which are then hulled into oat grains and then widely consumed by both humans and animals. Besides the…

  • HEAVENLY Green Smoothie Recipe
    Healthy Living,  Recipe

    HEAVENLY Green Smoothie

    It’s a little difficult to be sharing this recipe because this is my own FAVOURITE green smoothie but the more you give, the richer you feel – right? ☺  There is something quite unique about me- I have never been on a diet before. I am very thankful to have inherited genes with high metabolism from my father, which allows me to lose weight very easily. I have also inherited some good genes from him, such as my height and a hairless body. Luckily I am a girl – you should see my brothers’ hairless legs. Before you start hating me, I have a lot of (unfavourable) qualities I have…


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