• Sweet Potato Fries Recipe - Sweet Potato Series
    Recipe,  Series

    Let’s talk… (sweet) Potatoes! #2 – Sweet Potato Fries Recipe

    I am positive that everyone loves good crispy french fries. I am no different from the rest, albeit the occasional enjoyment of sucking on soggy & cold french fries.. 😛 The science behind crispy potatoes may not surprise you after all. It reveals that these crispy potatoes, i.e. french fries, are very unhealthy for us. In continuation of this sweet potato series and my prelude post: Let’s talk… (sweet) Potatoes! #1 , a chemical called acrylamide is formed during high-temperature cooking processes. This infamous chemical is associated with a higher risk of developing cancer. Despite that, the most popular way to cook potatoes is by frying or deep-frying them in…

  • Creamy Sweet Potato Mash Recipe - Sweet Potato Series
    Recipe,  Series

    Creamy Sweet Potato Mash Recipe

    Welcome back to the (sweet) potatoes series! If you missed out on last week’s post, I talked about the benefits / drawbacks and highlighted the differences between regular potatoes and sweet potatoes. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to, what’s the difference you ask? More than you know, I say. How much do you really know about potatoes?! Last week’s post may have been a little heavier/geekier/nerdier than usual, but trust me, it will be worth it! Since we will be discussing the science of (crispy) Potato / Sweet Potato Fries in great detail next week , I reckon we should have a more light-hearted, yet equally delicious intermission in between! So fast and so…

  • Sweet Potato Series
    Healthy Living,  Series

    Let’s talk… (sweet) Potatoes! #1

    Hello everyone! Welcome to this sweet potato series, which will be featuring the Sweet Potato Fries recipe and Creamy Sweet Potato Mash recipe. 🙂 How much do you really know about potatoes?! When we hear the word “potato”, what do we think of? CARBS. Are carbohydrates really our worst enemy? The popular answer in our community these days seem to be a big Y-E-S, extremely contradictory to the food pyramid that we are all familiar with. It is funny how people can never decide whether a type of food is beneficial or harmful to us. As my mother always says, “Everything in moderation.” I grew up surprisingly disciplined when it…


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