Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits
Healthy Living,  Series

Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits

Welcome to a new series! As the title clearly states, let’s talk…… Oats!

What are oats?

Today, hundreds of types of cereal crops grown around the world occupy the top of the health food chart. Wholegrains are the seeds of these cereal plants and consist of the endosperm, germ and bran. Refined grains have the germ and bran removed so 75% of the nutrients are lost, i.e. plain white rice.

Avena sativa, a.k.a oats, are a type of cereal grass cultivated for their edible cereal grains. This oat plant produces oat seeds, which are then hulled into oat grains and then widely consumed by both humans and animals. Besides the abundant in antioxidants, nutrients, vitamin and minerals, also aside from it being gluten-free and a vegan food, oats have so much health benefits that makes it underrated-ly worthy to be in our 5-A-Day.

Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits

7 AMAZING benefits of oats

1. Improve insulin sensitivity and response

Firstly, viscosity refers to the thickness of the contents and their rate of flowing through our digestive tract. Oats are food that have been associated with providing optimal levels of viscosity, which regulates the pace of food passing through our digestive tract but fast enough keeping a continuous flow, yet slow enough to allow time for digestion and the absorption of nutrients. In addition, it helps to lower the glycemic index (GI) which naturally improves insulin responses, i.e. transformation of carbohydrates to energy.

2. Blood sugar support

The lower glycemic index (GI) as mentioned above also reduces the conversion of whole food to simple sugars, hence stabilizing our blood sugar levels. If you are suffering from diabetes, then you should definitely include oats and oatmeal to your diet plan.

3. Helps with weight loss (oh YAS, smaller waist circumference!)

Even though oats are classified as carbohydrates, they actually help to lose weight. The reason is because oat / oatmeal are starchy carbohydrates, which is “slow-burning” and releases energy slower – yes, it’s the same thing we talked about in the sweet potato series!

4. Effective acne / eczema treatment

This is my favourite. Apparently, oatmeal diminishes excess oils in the skin without clogging pores. It also soothes any skin conditions or allergy reactions as there exist the antimicrobial ingredients which inhibits bacteria growth.

Honestly, I am just reading about this now. I should definitely be slathering oatmeal on me before I go to bed, as a natural remedy to combat my seasonal acne AND my urticaria conditions. Actually it does make sense now, because I do recall my acne inflammation randomly improving sometimes after mask nights. Maybe I should learn how to make an oatmeal face & body lotion…

5. Abundant in fiber

Oatmeal contains great amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. Subsequently, insoluble fiber relieves constipation. Need I say more?  *toilet flushes*

6. Lower cholesterol levels

I feel like this is something we should all be aware of. Causation, association, schmozation; high cholesterol is undeniably a red flag to your heart condition, whether you choose to believe it or not. Oatmeal is a very popularly known health food which reduces LDL, i.e. “bad” cholesterol, as it’s rich in soluble fiber. The soluble fiber can also reduce cholesterol absorption into the bloodstream.

Psst, soluble fiber also helps to contribute to weight loss as it keeps us full (point 2 above).

7. Help to improve mood… even PMS!

Boys, pay attention. Was your girlfriend suddenly upset about the colour of her hair? Similarly, is she crying about the bruised bananas that were freshly bought? These are definitely symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which is treatable with oats / oatmeal!

Amino acid transmitters, such as melatonin and dopamine, helps to determine your mood and behaviour. Oatmeal contains Vitamin B6 which assists the body to produce these “moody” transmitters, hence relieving symptoms of PMS.

On the other hand, research shows that your diet may have a direct effect on your mood. I am not talking about psychological conscious, but this healthy food actually stimulate serotonin production, which is a neurotransmitter produced by the amino acid – tryptophan. This transmitter has a direct positive effect on your appetite, impulse control, sleep, mood elevation and overall well-being. In other words, “A bowl of oatmeal a day keeps the psychiatrist away!”

Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits


Oats are also super nutritious and good for the health and well-being. Above all, oats are very affordable and easily accessible in any supermarket. Entering this Oat Series, the next few posts will all be in relation to the wonderful oats! For example:

Stay tuned.

Let’s talk… Oats! – 7 AMAZING Benefits

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