Healthy Living
HEAVENLY Green Smoothie
It’s a little difficult to be sharing this recipe because this is my own FAVOURITE green smoothie but the more you give, the richer you feel – right? ☺ There is something quite unique about me- I have never been on a diet before. I am very thankful to have inherited genes with high metabolism from my father, which allows me to lose weight very easily. I have also inherited some good genes from him, such as my height and a hairless body. Luckily I am a girl – you should see my brothers’ hairless legs. Before you start hating me, I have a lot of (unfavourable) qualities I have…
Let’s talk… (sweet) Potatoes! #1
Hello everyone! Welcome to this sweet potato series, which will be featuring the Sweet Potato Fries recipe and Creamy Sweet Potato Mash recipe. 🙂 How much do you really know about potatoes?! When we hear the word “potato”, what do we think of? CARBS. Are carbohydrates really our worst enemy? The popular answer in our community these days seem to be a big Y-E-S, extremely contradictory to the food pyramid that we are all familiar with. It is funny how people can never decide whether a type of food is beneficial or harmful to us. As my mother always says, “Everything in moderation.” I grew up surprisingly disciplined when it…